

主演:吉米·舍尔吉勒,努西拉特·巴努查,Arif Zakaria,Asif Basra,Nivedita Bhattacharya,Shradha Kaul,Neeraj Sood

导演:GabyHoffmann,Elizangela,Aidan Bristow


《猛鬼商场》影片介绍:<p>  Asia’s largest mall is ready for inauguration, although there’s a myth surrounding the mall. There have been nine accidental deaths in the mall and the owners are sick of the stories about the mall being haunted. So they decide to re-launch their mall in a grand way. This is when the lead hero of the film Jimmy Shergill (Vishnu Sharma) enters. He is an ex-army officer but lends up becoming the chief security officer of the Amity Mall. On the opening eve the owner of the mall, Mr. Manchanda calls a press conference and to dispel the fears announces that he would spend a night at the Mall with the board of directors. Manchanda and his cronies step into the Mall to spend a night and this to Manchanda is a big business strategy. Manchanda and group are not the only ones to be inside the Mall this night. Manchanda’s daughter Ahana and her friends make their way inside, as wells as Vishnu, the chief of security at the Mall who has a past that haunts him. Facts come clear only by the end ...</p>... 详情



  • 凌烟渡:刚刚
    2015年的 万圣节 很快就到了,在西方国家,万圣节是西方国家的传统节日。
  • 静林君:4分钟前
  • 恐高的怂鹰:9分钟前
  • 廖吉凤:3分钟前
  • 唯臻:9分钟前
    ④ 韩国电影一男一女旅游男子被杀,女的帮绑架牙齿被拔,姐姐去找好久是什么电影。
  • 异类辉煌:小时前
    ­8.狼犬丹尼 ­sanrenmi:有人并不看好这部电影。
  • 阿尔德:8小时前
    3(1990) 小时候看,觉得憨豆好笑,不管他做什么,说什么,总是忍不住笑,没有任何想法;长大一点,觉得憨豆有点可怜,他笨拙又幼稚,脑筋不转弯,时不时大脑短路,就像人群中的傻子。
  • 知酒客:小时前
  • ¤薰衣草的味道¤:9小时前
    求 爱情浪漫电影,要有种夏天的感觉 如夏日恋神马这样的电影 要求外国的
  • 海心:1天前


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